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5 Interesting Things You Didn't Know About Maine Coons

August 7, 2023

It's easy to see that Maine Coons are a very unique breed of cat. While they do purr and meow, they also make chirping noises, which a lot of cats don't do. They are also decidedly more hairy than other breeds, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. There are a lot of fascinating facts about Maine Coons. Here are just five of them:

1. They're the Largest Domestic Cat Breed

Yes, Maine Coons can get big. According to My Modern Met, they can weigh as much as 25 pounds. They can also get quite long, too. It's a good idea to have a place with a lot of space so that your Maine Coon has plenty of room to explore and roam around.

2. They Produce Less Fel D 1 Protein

Have you ever petted a cat and started sneezing or getting itchy eyes or skin? That's not as much a reaction to their hair or dander, though that can cause some reactions. It's actually their saliva, which has Fel d 1 protein in it that causes a lot of allergies. Maine Coons have a lot less of this protein, which will reduce the chances of having a reaction. However, this doesn't make them hypoallergenic. There are specific breeds of cats that are, but they tend to be much more expensive.

3. Maine Coons Weren't the Product of a Cat Mating With a Raccoon

Early cat breeders thought this was the case since the two animals do share very similar features. This cat breed came about in the woods of Maine, of which they are the state cat, but not because of that bizarre pairing. This myth has been regularly debunked.

4. They May Have Come From Royalty

No, we're not talking about them being worshiped by Egyptian pharaohs. This was relatively more recent royalty. Some think that Marie Antoinette was the one who introduced the Maine Coon breed. Her Angora cats, which made their way across the seas to America, might have been the forebears of our current breed. It's never definitely been proven, but it's interesting to think about!

5. Maine Coons Love Water

Most cats act like they've been splashed with acid if hit with water. They will make you wear full body protection if you have to give them a bath. Maine Coons are the opposite. They absolutely love playing in water, in stark contrast to most other breeds.

Are you looking to add a new furry friend to your life? Does a Maine Coon sound like the perfect fit? Contact Rocket City Coons today! We raise our adorable kittens to be affectionate, healthy, and well-socialized. Give us a call today to learn about our adoption process.

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