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Understanding the Responsibilities of Raising Maine Coons

January 15, 2024

Maine Coons remain a favorite breed of cat lovers across the world because of their playful personalities and gorgeous, fluffy coats. These cats are incredibly easy to love. However, there are certain things to keep in mind before purchasing a Maine Coon. This guide will tell you everything you need to know about how to care for your new fluffy friend.

Prepare for Their Large Size

One of the reasons cat lovers fall head over heels in love with these cats is their size. Maine Coon cats are known to get significantly larger than your average house cat, so don't be surprised when they just keep growing. According to, a popular resource for all things Maine Coon-related, the largest Maine Coon cat is over four feet long! Ensure your home has ample space for your new cat to live comfortably.

Stock up on Toys and Cat-Friendly Furniture

These cats may get large, but they act more like playful kittens most of their lives. This kittenish personality can catch you by surprise if you're not expecting it. Small, standard-size cat toys may prove to be too tiny for these big balls of energy.
Maine Coons love to perch up high, so look into adding some sturdy cat trees to keep your kitty happy. Do your research to ensure you have plenty of things to allow your cat's playfulness to shine through.

Expect Plenty of Company Around Your House

Maine Coon cats like to help their owners. They aren't the type of cat to hide, sleep, and watch you do things all day. Instead, it's common for them to engage more with their owners. Your Maine Coon may join you when you're doing various tasks around the house. Learn ways to keep your cat entertained with you to keep them happy. Don't be surprised when they want to follow you wherever you go!

Ensure Your Furry Friend Is Regularly Groomed

Most house cats groom themselves and rarely require a trip to the groomer or a brush. This is not true for long-haired breeds like the Maine Coon. Their exceptionally long fur can get dirty and matted together. Invest in a cat brush and regular trips to a groomer to keep their coat healthy. Additionally, have their claws regularly filed to keep their paws healthy and sanitary.

Maine Coons are wonderful cats to own. They are known for forming close relationships with their owners. You can't help but love a Maine Coon's playful personality and adorable appearance. However, it's essential to learn about this breed before owning one. Contact Rocket City Coons today for more information on our cats, expected litters, and more.

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